Sunday Schedule
Adult Sunday School – 9 – 9:45
Worship – 10 am
Children’s Sunday School during Church – 10 am

Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Westfield.

We are a congregation that emphasizes God’s grace as, “the undeserved, unmerited, and loving action of God.” In particular, we focus on four aspects of God’s amazing grace:

Prevenient Grace— God’s Grace That Prepares Us

Justifying Grace—God’s Grace For Us

Sanctifying Grace—God’s Grace Perfecting Us

Glorifying Grace—God’s Grace Bringing Personal and Social Transformation

            Our congregation is made up of families and individuals of various demographics, but united in the grace extended to us by God. We believe in God’s grace, “God’s presence and power to create, heal, forgive, reconcile, and transform persons, communities, nations, and entire cosmos.” Many in our congregation have a deep and abiding faith in Christ, which allows for a safe place to ask questions, to wrestle with doubts, and to struggle with uncertainties, as we grow in our faith together. We strive to listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and to engage in meaningful ways the mandates of the gospel with our community and the wider world.

            On Sunday mornings a traditional worship service (10:00am—11:00am) with beloved hymns, Scripture readings, prayers, and on the first Sunday of each month, Holy Communion. Throughout the year we offer Wednesday evening Bible studies (please check for current studies). Come experience God’s grace in, among, and with us as we worship, pray, study, fellowship, serve and play. We are committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.

            Come experience God’s grace in, among, and with us as we worship, pray, study, fellowship, serve and play. During the school year Apple Seed Christian Preschool operates in our facility.  On Tuesdays throughout the year the Westfield Community Food Pantry (1:00pm-2:30pm) is open to the community via drive-thru/ walk-thru.

            Being entrusted with God’s grace, the people of The First United Methodist Church in Westfield strive to live by a simple pattern:

Do No Harm – Making More Room for God’s Grace

Do Good – Living Grace-Fully

Staying In Love With God – Growing in Grace.

            If you have any questions about what United Methodists believe, would like to learn more about our church, or how to trust Christ as your Savior, please reach out to us via church website www.westfieldumc/org, or schedule a visit through LeAnn, our church’s administrative assistant (716) 326-3243 or by email There are many wonderful Spirit-filled churches in our community. However, we would love for The First United Methodist Church in Westfield, 101 East Main Street, Westfield, NY 14787 to be your spiritual home.


In Christ’s Name,

Rev. Dr. Nicholas Perry


Mission statement:

To know Christ and to make Christ known

Vision Statement:

We are the voice and the hand that encourages people to change their lives with hope, comfort and peace

101 East Main Street
Westfield, NY  14787
(716) 326-3243
(Off street parking available in the parking lot behind the church (Clinton St))
Sunday Schedule
9:00am—9:45am – Adult Sunday School
10:00am—11:00am – Worship service
10:00am—11:00am – Children’s Sunday School
We have opened the balcony for our families with children to use and there are Children’s bulletins , activity sheets and crayons provided for each child to use. 
This area has designated/reserved seating so you can leave your items there week to week.


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