Another of our stained glass windows bears the name of Cyrus House.
Mr. House was born in Westfield on February 10, 1825. He was brought up on a farm and educated in the “Common Schools”. When he was 3- years of age, he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church in the old Burch School House on Prospect Road. Rev. John Prosser was the minister who “received” him. On August 4, 1892 Cyrus House and Miss Ella J Kelsey were united in marriage at the home of Andrew Kelsey. Dr. S. H. Prather performed the ceremony. The name we featured in last month’s Messenger was Andrew Kelsey, Jr. So we conclude that Cyrus House and Andrew Kelsey Jr were related by marriage. Mr. and Mrs. House lived on their farm two and a half miles east of town until his death on November 3, 192. His obituary contained the information that for 57 years he was a faithful and consistent Christian, kind hearted, sympathetic, generous, and for many years an official in the M.E. Church. “He died with firm faith in God, whom he served long and well.